How to entertain your Child if he keeps on asking Questions

Photo credit to Artrim

As they say, a bright child is the one who keeps on asking about certain things. This means he has a curious and analytical mind. However, it is sad there are parents who do not understand this. Instead of entertaining them, these poor children are being ignored and sometimes even shouted at. Although there are some parents who entertain such questions, they are not doing it the right way. As a father of two brilliant kids, here is what I learned.

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  Jena Isle

June 27, 2008 at 3:32 AM

As usual a very informative post. My grandkid keeps on asking questions, thanks for those valuable pointers.

Happy blogging.

  Jena Isle

June 27, 2008 at 6:57 PM

It's really a cute post and I can't help but notice that my EC widget is on in your blog , and guess what? your article about the effects of TV violence is posted at my blog.

What a pleasant coincidence. Happy blogging.


June 27, 2008 at 8:49 PM

Hi Jena,

Thanks for finding my post informative.

I am happy to see your widget on my blog and of course, I am very happy to see my guest post on your blog. I even posted a comment.

Again thanks for trusting me.